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A year has come and gone since we started posting the Truth. During that time, Donald Trump was elected President of the United States. We view that as another illustration of God's "hands-off" policy, or perhaps Her sense of humor. And the rest of the world has just kept on ticking, much like a bomb that is set to explode at some undetermined time. We are gratified for all of you who have contacted us and have tried to answer your questions as best we could. Unfortunately, this message has not yet been disseminated as widely as we had hoped. Although we recognize that it is not congruous with 30-second attention spans, sound bites or Twitter, when you're asked to share God's message, you don't want to disappoint Her. Your help in spreading the word remains essential.

As for us, we were blessed with a healthy baby boy in October. He will be raised in Grace to build bridges rather than walls. Although the future remains uncertain, we are still optimistic that our children will live to see a better world than the one they have been born into. If you share that dream, then you can be part of the solution. Contact us to learn how.

Blessings of Grace!

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