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The Qur'an "is obviously inconsistent with the Truth that was revealed to us in several respects."

On the other hand, parts of the Qur'an are entirely consistent with the Truth, including two major concepts. First, it contains a different ending to the story of Adam and Eve than that found in the version of the Bible recognized by most Christians. In the Qur'an, they sought forgiveness for their transgressions in the Garden of Eden, and God forgave them. Consequently, in Islam humanity is not burdened with the sins of Adam and Eve, which is the equivalent of Original Grace. Additionally, Jesus is described as a messenger in the Qur'an, but is not considered to be the son of God or otherwise divine. Qur'an 4:171. As mentioned, this is the same surprising message that we received.

Jews also agree that people are born pure and without sin, as well as that Jesus was not divine. Islam and Judaism diverge, however, on whether Ishamel or Isaac was the favored son of Abraham. The amimosity between the two religions began with Muhammad, peace be upon him. It obviously could not have begun before then, but the Jews rejected Muhammad's prophethood and the leaders of Jewish tribes reportedly tried to have him killed on several occasions. Muhammad was more fortunate than Jesus, Gandhi and some other messengers in that regard.

As with all humans, Muhammad's life was not free of sin. According to Hadith, he consummated his marriage to Aisha when she was age 9. That may have been acceptable behavior in 7th Century Arabia, but most civilized societies today find pedophilia to be repugnant. God's Third Law is very clear on that issue. Yet Muslims generally indulge the doctrine of isma (infallibility). Thus, since the Prophet was infallible, anything he did or said must be right.

It is not my intent to denigrate Muhammad or the Qur'an. Historical figures should be judged in the context of their times, and all ancient religious texts contain passages that seem archaic and/or indefensible today. My point is that you should not blindly follow the literal meaning of any document written over a thousand years ago, much less someone else's interpretation of it. And what you believe is not as important as how you live your life. Even if you choose to believe that every word in the Qur'an originated with God, you still cannot use those words as justification for harming or mistreating women or children, or for killing those who don't share your faith. Those things are sins, no matter what anyone tells you. You are responsible for your own actions. Qur'an 53:38-41.

Next: What About Jesus?

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