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Humankind is the product of 3.8 billion years of evolution, though not necessarily the finished product. We are the only species on earth with the ability to comprehend the Truth, but also the only one capable of causing its own destruction. Life on earth has survived multiple ice ages and mass extinction events, and it will surely survive us too. Whether our continued existence is to be measured in days, years or eons, we should cherish God's Grace and make the best of this world while it is ours.

Man and woman were created with the expectation that they would be equals. Not the same, but equals in both significance and in Grace. True, men are generally larger, stronger and more aggressive, whereas women are more nurturing and able to bear children. But it was never God's plan that men exert dominance over women, or that women tolerate it. So that we're clear, any laws, customs or religious dogma that place women at a lower status than men are inconsistent with the Truth.

This does not mean that a religion which fails to recognize the equality of women is wholly without merit, as such religion may otherwise promote the observance of God's Laws. Likewise, individual believers in such a religion remain worthy of Grace if they live their lives according to those Laws. Nevertheless, women should know that equality is the Truth, and those who would suppress it through coercion or force are not honorable.

Man and woman were not created in God's image, but rather in forms, varieties and colors that are pleasing to Her. If your body is pleasing to God, then you should not be ashamed of it. Clothing is appropriate for protection, comfort and decoration, but nudity is your natural state. When you gather to worship or celebrate Grace, it is right and proper to do so in the nude.

There is no predestination. All humans are products of their respective DNA, the combinations of which are not controlled by God. Neither does She control the enviroment or circumstances that a person encounters in a lifetime. In fact, God infrequently interferes with human affairs, and rarely with those of a particular individual. The most recent occasion, or most recent one we were told about, was when Kennedy and Khruschev played "guts" with nuclear weapons in 1962. God did not want to see the human race destroyed yet, and especially not by those two egomaniacs. Thus, Khruschev was compelled to back down and was subsequently deposed in 1964, while Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. Their respective souls have since been banished to a primitive world in the far reaches of the universe where they lead warring tribes that fight with sticks.

Humankind has control over its own destiny - not each individual, but collectively - until God decides otherwise. When we see what an ant colony can accomplish, just imagine what we could achieve working together, sharing resources and caring for one another. The swarm intelligence of even a fraction of humanity would be capable of truly great things. It has already sent men to the moon, but that is an exception. Alas, our history most often has been one of countless wars, wanton destruction of other species, squandering resources and little regard for the common good. That is contrary to God's will, and it is our responsibility to change.

We say that the world is "ours" in a figurative sense, as the earth itself is a living organism and we are but parasites on it. And the earth is just a grain of sand in the universe. While we have been blessed with Grace, we are not nearly the best that we can be, nor the best that God can do. Consequently, it would be unwise to keep tempting Her to do better.

Next: The Truth About Prayer

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