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The soul "interacts with the parts of the brain devoted to reason and emotion to create one's personality."

The brain is only aware of the existence of the soul at a subconscious level. While the soul may assert influence, the brain develops independently so that there can be a check and balance system with the soul. But there are some instances where the soul is so powerful that it takes control temporarily or permanently, for better or for worse. Even when that results in unspeakable acts of cruelty or evil, those acts are not God's will. God cannot fully control all of the evil in the universe any more than She can fully control all the forces of nature.

The soul does not necessarily control a person's behavior, however, because behavior is influenced by instinctual and experiential factors too. For example, a battered wife who is forced to kill to protect herself can become a killer - such act would not constitute murder - regardless of the nature of her soul. And someone born with a nasty soul can live in Grace, if raised in a loving enviroment and taught to obey God's Laws. Human beings are also blessed with willpower, which can override thoughts, desires and even instincts at times. Hence, a man who was abused as a child can choose to perpetuate or break the cycle of abuse with his own children.

To illustrate the relationship between God and Her countless souls, consider an ant colony. The individual ant has very little intelligence, but an ant colony can perform incredible feats of engineering. Working together, ants can construct huge structures above ground (relative to the size of ants) and elaborate systems of tunnels, without plans or apparently any member of the colony directing the work. The collective intelligence of the colony is far greater than that of any individual member. This is referred to as "swarm intellignce" and is not fully understood by human scientists. In comparison, God's intelligence is far beyond our comprehension and vastly greater than that of any single soul. The difference is that a soul is intelligent, self-aware and may have certain ambitions or desires due to its character or past life experiences. Thus, whereas an ant will not act contrary to the interests of the colony, a soul can assert influence over a person that is inconsistent with God's Laws, or even with humanity's survival.

A new soul is pure, but as it goes through life it binds with various particles which give it a unique identity. Among those are what we previously referred to as vilons - the building blocks of evil. There are many different types of vilons and they have varying effects on a soul. To simplify, we can think of them as representing base emotions like hatred, jealousy and greed, as well as urges to inflict pain, kill or destroy. In contrast, there is also a class of thought carrier particles that compose what we think of as goodness. We'll call them lurons since they tend to attract each other, which explains the existence of God's core. All thought carrier particles exist within the spectrum of YE. The character of a soul is determined by the types and quantities of particles that bind with it, and it can change over time as additional particles are acquired or existing ones purged. There is typically a little bad in all of us, which is a good thing because it helps us compete and even survive.

We are primarily discussing souls here, but vilons also can and do infect brains. That happens through what a person sees, reads, hears and feels. And when a heavily infected brain coincides with an evil soul, a person capable of monstrous acts can result. Further, while vilons tend to repel each other, they also bind tight to the brain or soul. This creates a tension that can drive a person to madness. Hitler is a classic example, but it happens on a smaller scale too, such as with the students who mudered 12 of their classmates and a teacher at Columbine High School. The fact that we can explain such behavior does not in any way excuse it. Morever, humans can never use God as a justification for killing or perpetrating evil.

Next: The Truth About Humankind

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