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As previously mentioned, the Book of Genesis should not be taken literally. In particular, the story about Adam and Eve falling from Grace in the Garden of Eden is an unfounded myth. And blaming a woman for humanity's plight is a prime example of what happens when it is men who create the myths. Humankind did not fall from Grace! If you are reading these words, you were born in Grace. Moreover, if you have lived your life according to God's Laws, you are and have been in a state of Grace, even if you've never received this message. We call this Original Grace.

Grace does not mean that anyone's life will be pefect - only better than it otherwise would have been. As we learn to appreciate Grace, the things that depress us seem less important or easier to overcome. Grace includes such things as love, friendship, nature's beauty, music, cold beer and warm cinnamon rolls. It also includes sexual pleasure and intimacy. Those can be viewed as both rewards for the faithful and recompense for the fact that bad things sometime happen in life, even to good people. Sexual pleasure and intimacy are gifts that are meant to be freely shared, although no one should feel compelled to do so.

We realize that these words may be shocking or offensive to some, so let's touch on the subject of morality. We are all children of God, yet different cultures have different standards of moral conduct, especially as to sexual behavior. For example, in Bethlehem under the Palestinian Authority, a Muslim man can have four wives if he can afford them, but liquor is forbidden to him. By contrast, in Bethlehem, PA, a man can have as much liquor as he can afford but only one wife. Similarly, it is considered respectable for a Japanese wife to purchase her husband an evening with a Geisha as a gift, whereas spending an evening with an escort is considered grounds for divorce in Japan, MO. The Mosuo in China do not practice traditional marriage, but rather have "walking marriages" where a woman can invite as many different men as she chooses to spend a "sweet night" with her. Is it morality or just geography?

The Truth is that the free exchange of sexual pleasure and intimacy are significant elements of Grace, regardless of societal customs, mores or laws. There should be no distinction between either the rights or treatment of men and women in this regard. But consent is paramount! A child is incapable of the reasoned decision-making necessary for consent. Neither is one who is in a state of intoxication or has diminished capacity. Let nothing written here ever be used as a justification for taking or attempting to take sexual pleasure without consent, or by deceipt, or for forcing anyone to perform sexual acts against his or her will.

Also, as used above, the terms "free exchange" or "freely shared" refer to free will and are not necessarily synonymous with "free of charge." Prostitution is a profession that always has been and will be with us. So long as those who practice it do so of their free will, it is a worthy profession.

Now, some may argue that sex cannot truly be an element of Grace since prostitutes and their customers experience it too, as well as rapists and others who disregard God's Laws. Simply put, sex is far less pleasureable without intimacy, and true intimacy cannot be acheived by those who are not in a state of Grace. Intimacy is the psychic connection between two people and their souls. It includes the looks, the scent, the promise, the anticipation and the afterglow. It is possible to enjoy intimacy without love, but love makes everything better still. How do we know all of this? Because God told us so. And because we briefly experimented with another couple before reaffirming our monogamy.

Of course, there are many more elements to Grace besides sexual pleasure and intimacy. We have focused primarily on sex here because it will likely be the most controversial subject. Who can argue that there is not Grace in a newborn's smile, or in a hug from your abuela? Even those who are too young, too old or physically unable to enjoy sex, and those who are virgins or otherwise chaste, can know Grace, happiness and fulfillment by living by God's Laws.

Next: God's Laws

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